Saturday, 9 January 2016

Mudras – Our Life-line

While doing any Pranayama, we see many people sitting in Mudra. These Mudras are not just to keep your hands engaged while you are concentrating on the divinity, but in reality, these Mudras are a healer and works a lot in keeping you healthy.
Here are few Mudras about which you never knew that it works wonders in healing the soul and body.

Mudra for knee pain

This Mudra brings energy in your joints and works wonders if you are having a knee pain.
Pose – Join the thumb and the ring finger of your right hand and join the thumb with your middle finger on the left hand.
Sit for about 15 mins, 4 times a day, in case of normal pain and 30 mins, 6 times a day, in case of severe pain. This is called joint Mudra.

Mudra for Back Pain

This Mudra provides relief in lower back pain.
Pose – Join the thumb, middle and little finger on the right hand, while keeping the ring and first finger extended. And for left hand, place the upper phalanx of the thumb on the nail of the first finger.
Sit in this position for about 5-10 minutes.

Mudra for sleep

Also known as Parivartan Mudra, helps cures insomnia which ultimately leads to a sound sleep at night.
Pose – While lying down on your back, clasp both the hands tightly in front, and interlock all the fingers. With the help of the left hand fingers, put pressure on the back of the right hand, repeat it with the other hand too. This should be done for about 27-30 times for at least 3 continuous days for best results.

Mudra for cold and cough

Shiva Linga Mudra helps in curing cough and cold. It also helps in asthma, sinuses and paralysis.
Pose – Intertwine the fingers of both hands and raise the thumb of the left hand. Keep it close to the chest and sit for about 5-10 minutes daily. It can be practiced for more than 1 time a day as well.

These Mudras are very helpful. So, when the next time you are doing any Pranayama or have time for yourself, don't just fold the fingers here and there, put it in a right way to get the right benefit.